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Bank information

Open Joint Stock Company FinanceCreditBank KAB was founded in 2005. On November 18, 2005, the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic issued a prior permission to open OJSC FinanceCreditBank in Kyrgyzstan. On December 30, 2005, FinanceCreditBank received the NBKR license for the right to conduct banking activities after the completion of the process of preparing the package of necessary documents and registration. The issued license allows the bank to carry out all banking activities, including investment. On February 6, 2006, OJSC FinanceCreditBank began full-time work on customer service.

OJSC FinanceCreditBank is a modern bank that provides a full range of banking services at optimal interest rates, maximum speed and quality of service. The Bank pursues an active business growth policy and plans to join the group of leaders among commercial banks of the Kyrgyz Republic over the next two years.

Today, the branch network of OJSC FinanceCreditBank has 6 branches located in six main regions of the Kyrgyz Republic and 12 savings banks.

The Bank's priority area of activity is the development of the retail business, which includes the development of consumer and mortgage lending, as well as the deposit market. In addition, the Bank develops other business areas: corporate business, as well as small and medium businesses.

FCB has a vast coresponden network all over the globe. Thus, the Bank is keen to develop its corespondent partnership with financial institutions in Asia, Middle East and Europe to accommodate its customers demands


The Bank's mission is to provide all Customers a range of banking products and services at the highest quality level.

The basic principle is confidence between the bank and its Customers, which is based on mutual development and partnership. The mission determines that the basic motives for the activities of the entire bank team should be active creation and usefulness. The needs of the Customers are our incentive for development, we are the foothold in the process of intensive development. Our belief is that business has meaning only when all of its members benefit.

The bank's philosophy is based on the principles of harmony, justice, political indifference, confidence, development and reasonableness. The harmony of relationships both within the bank and with its external environment requires justice, confidence and political indifference. Political indifference is the result of an understanding that adherence to any political tendency distracts from solving pressing tasks. Confidence and justice in relationships are formed through reasonableness. Reasonableness is achieved by constant self-improvement, the current daily development of the bank. Real development is possible only when there are harmonious relations that exclude conflicts and contradictions.

Address by the Chairman

Ladies and Gentlemen!

Welcome to the updated official website of the Bank

Open Joint Stock Company FinanceCreditBank has been operating since 2005. OJSC FinanceCreditBank is a modern bank that provides banking services at optimal rates, high speed and quality of service. Our Bank offers a full range of financial services: commercial and consumer lending, all-inclusive settlement and cash services, fixed-term deposits, currency exchange transactions, money transfers, and a safe depository. The priority area of the Bank's activity is the development of retail business, which includes the development of consumer and mortgage lending, the provision of remote banking services.

Our aim is to provide customers with the most range of options in obtaining banking services. We can state with all confidence that client-centeredness and professionalism are the key to stable growth and our competitive advantage. Our Bank does not stand aside from the public life of Kyrgyzstan; we support various positive and socially significant events.

We express our gratitude to all our customers and partners for their confidence and support. We hope for further mutually beneficial cooperation. We express our special gratitude to the Bank's employees, whose high professionalism and creative attitude contribute to the successful development of the Bank.

I can state with confidence that this address reflects the ideology of our friendly team.

Chairman of the Management Board of OJSC FinanceCreditBank

Bank’s Management Board

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Alchiev Ermek Karagulovich
Chairman of the Management Board


phone+996 (312) 386 410
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Sulaimanov Avtandil Alyakbarovich
Deputy Chairman of the Management Board


phone+996 (312) 386 410
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Alymbaev Artyk Toktonazarovich
Deputy Chairman of the Management Board


phone+ 996 (312) 443-443
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Bazarbaeva Gulnura Kasymbekovna
Deputy Chairman of the Management Board


phone+996 (312) 443 443
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Ernis kyzy Alima
Member of the Management Board - Head of Financial and Economic Department


phone+996 (312) 386 410
Nishanbayev Bakhtiyar Zholborsovich
Deputy Chairman of the Management Board


phone+996 (312) 443 443
Alexander Sergeyevich Gurovoy
Member of the Management Board


phone+996 (312) 443 443

Board of directors

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Murzabekov Erkebai Rustamovich
Member of the Board of Directors
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Dzhakupbekova Chynara Naserovna
Chairman of the Board of directors
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Turdalieva Gulmira Mamazhanovna
Member of the Board of Directors
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Zholbolduyev Pamirbek Bakyevich
Member of the Board of Directors
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Bermet Tazhikovna Nurmatova
Member of the Board of Directors
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Kasymbekova Asel Oomatbekovna
Member of the Board of Directors
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Sarbanov Sanjar Bolotovich
Member of the Board of Directors


List of shareholders according to the register of securities holders of OJSC FinanceCreditBank as of April 1, 2020

1. CJSC A Plus Insurance Company

CJSC Stock Exchange of Kyrgyzstan - Exchange Trading System

Correspondent network

List of correspondent banks on accounts of NOSTRO OJSC FinanceCreditBank, c.Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic SWIFT:FIKBKG22

Correspondent bank SWIFT code Currency Corres.account No. Address
Republic of Armenia, 1-5, № 53, 12 Charents Str., Yerevan, 0025
Eurasian Development Bank EABRKZKA RUВ
Republic of Kazakhstan, 050051, c.Almaty, Dostyk Ave., h. 220
JSC Alokabank JSCLUZ22 USD
100047, c. Tashkent, Mirabad district, Amir Temur Avenue, 4
Aktif Yatirim Bankasi A.S. CAYTTRIS USD
Istanbul, Turkey


Full name: OJSC FinanceCreditBank
Location: c.Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Postal address: 720021, Bishkek, 105 Abdrakhmanov Str.
Legal address: Kyrgyz Republic, 720021, c.Bishkek, 105 Abdrakhmanov Str.
TIN: 00812200510186
BIC: 134001
Corres.acc.: 1013810000490186 in NBKR
RNNBO code: 23987776
Telex: 245155 FCKAB KH
Email: fkb@fkb.kg
Web site: www.fkb.kg

Contacts of the regional banking units of the NBKR

Acceptance place Acceptance address Контакты
National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic с. Bishkek, 168 Chuy Ave. (0312) 615278
Osh Regional Administration с. Osh, 119 Kurmanzhan Datka Str. (03222) 48463
Naryn Regional Administration c. Naryn, 6 Jamgyrchy uulu Abas Str. (03522) 50472
Issyk-Kul Regional Administration c.Karakol, 265 Toktogul Str. (03922) 51253
Jalal-Abad Regional Administration c.Jalal-Abad, 13 Erkindik Str. (03722) 23884
Talas Regional Administration c.Talas, 291 Berdike Baatyr Str. (03422) 52377
NBKR Representative Office in Batken Region c.Batken, 3 T. Sadykov Str. (03622) 50446


Information for the Bank's partners: In order to prevent evasion of the payment of taxes on income received by US residents outside the United States, on March 18, 2010, the United States adopted the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA).

In accordance with the provisions of FATCA, foreign financial institutions (FFIs), which also include OJSC FinanceCreditBank (hereinafter the Bank), from 07.01.2014 are required to disclose transactions and balances in the accounts of American taxpayers, individuals, customers of the Bank to the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

In accordance with this recommendation, OJSC FinanceCreditBank, like all the Kyrgyz Republic banks, acceded to the agreement with the IRS and the Bank was assigned a GIIN (Global Intermediary Identification Number): E7E0WA.99999.SL.417.

Non-participation in FATCA has significant risks:

  • sanction risks by the IRS and foreign financial institutions participating in FATCA in the form of a 30% tax deduction (penalty) on certain payments made by refused or not participating FFIs from July 1, 2014;
  • risks associated with the termination of cooperation with correspondent banks in the United States.
  • FFIs non-participating in the FATCA will be treated in the international community as potentially risk-related counterparties that may be involved in crimes related to tax evasion, money laundering obtained by criminal means.

The participation of OJSC FinanceCreditBank in FATCA does not take out of risk of withholding 30% tax (penalty) from outgoing payments of Customers made to or through FFIs that have refused or are not participating in FATCA, and therefore, before making a transfer, it is necessary to clarify information about participation in FATCA of the beneficiary bank, intermediary bank through the link http://apps.irs.gov/app/fatcaFfiList/flu.jsf.

Compliance control

Information for customers and partners of the Bank:
In order to prevent the use of the Bank as a tool for legislation (laundering) illegal income and financing of terrorism, as well as protecting the business reputation of the Bank and its customers, OJSC FinanceCreditBank has an "Internal Control Policy for Countering the Financing of Terrorism and Legislation (laundering) of criminal proceeds (CFT/LCP)," complying with all the requirements and norms of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic" On countering the financing of terrorism and legislation (laundering) of criminal proceeds "dated August 06, 2018 No. 87 and regulatory acts of the NBKR.

The Bank’s current CFT/LCP Policy meets the requirements of the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic and international standards. Based on the Policy, the Bank has an internal control system for CFT/LCP, the main areas of which are:

  • Development and systematization of measures aimed at countering financing of terrorism and legislation (laundering) of criminal proceeds;
  • Rule "Know Your Customer" - identification and examination of the Bank's customers based on the required documents and personal data;
  • Identification and interdiction of operations related to financing of terrorism and legislation (laundering) of criminal proceeds;
  • Systematic training and advanced training of Bank‘s employees, as well as ensuring the participation of all Bank‘s employees in the work on countering the financing of terrorism and legislation (laundering) of criminal proceeds;
  • Improvement of software for the purpose of modern identification of suspicious customers and transactions subject to mandatory control;
  • Documentary information, as well as storing information and documents obtained as a result of measures to counter financing of terrorism and legislation (laundering) of criminal proceeds;
The Bank operates the Compliance Control Service to organize the internal control system and achieve the aims established by the Policy.

OJSC FinanceCreditBank does not maintain correspondent relations with "shell banks," banks registered in offshore zones and in a number of countries that do not apply FATF recommendations.

Dear partners,
In order to reduce costs and risks in establishing bilateral correspondent relations, OJSC FinanceCreditBank is registered on the website: http://www.swift.com/ for the safe exchange of standardized data "Know your client," which can be found at the following link: https://www.swift.com/our-solutions/compliance-and-shared-services/financial-crime-compliance/the-kyc-registry.

Financial statements

Annual accounts